Toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss. These three aids in daily oral hygiene are usually found in every bathroom. But an increasing number of bathroom cabinets now contain something different – incredibly small brushes with colourful handles: interdental brushes.

Injury due to dental floss
Interdental brushes are actually far superior to waxed thread for cleaning the spaces between the teeth and here are two reasons why:
Firstly, because the good intention of thoroughly cleaning the gaps between the teeth with floss often leads to injury. If floss is used too vigorously, the thread cuts into the gum. In turn, damage to the gums fosters infection since harmful bacteria can gain a better hold.

Dental floss is ineffective
Secondly, even the best dental floss is only good for cleaning the front teeth. All the other teeth are anatomically shaped so that the gaps between them cannot be reached with dental floss. Their side surfaces curve inwards, so the floss is stretched over nothing. Moreover, you are lulled into a false sense of security of having done everything properly for oral hygiene. Periodontitis, the insidious jaw disease, can still occur, leading inevitably to tooth loss over the decades.
Even suitable for critical areas
This is why the Dentagenie interdental brushes are becoming increasingly popular. They are available singularly in various sizes according to your requirements and are made of extremely fine coated wire. The long bristles reach into all the critical corners and gaps between the teeth and clean these spaces gently and without harm. Used correctly, they prevent halitosis, caries of the side teeth and periodontitis.
The thought of pushing a brush between your teeth needs some getting used to. Nevertheless, Dentagenie interdental brushes are ultrafine and using them is extremely easy: push in, pull out, done!