Products with all positive feedbacks

Dentafix Temporary Filling Material

Dentafix Temporary filling material is a self-cure temporary sealing compound for the temporary restoration of cavities. Available for sale within Australia only

Emu Tracks – Moisture Bar Honeysuckle 90g

Emu Oil is blended with gentle plant based cleansers to provide nourishment and moisture retention without drying the skin. The

Tepe Nova Soft Toothbrush

Nova has a tapered brush head with an active tip for increased access. It is specially efficient around the posterior




PERFECT FOR SUPER TIGHT SPACES Formerly size 0. HANDY CAP To protect bristles between uses... fresh! SOFT, COATED WIRE BRISTLES Gentle to protect teeth and gums... cool! COMFY GRIP Easy to hold and control... ace!

GO2 Dentagenie Braces Flossers 36pk


A flosser designed for braces.

✓ Earth lovin’ – made with recycled plastic ✓ Longer floss – slides easily between teeth, brackets, bands and wires …. sweet. ✓ Ortho approved – brace yourself for the perfect grin. ✓ Handy wax scraper and pick – make it super easy to remove stubborn wax debris and food …. genius. ✓ Australian owned [wonderplugin_video iframe="https://youtu.be/5f4PV0OWZkE" lightbox=0 lightboxsize=1 lightboxwidth=960 lightboxheight=540 autoopen=0 autoopendelay=0 autoclose=0 lightboxtitle="" lightboxgroup="" lightboxshownavigation=0 showimage="" lightboxoptions="" videowidth=600 videoheight=400 keepaspectratio=1 autoplay=0 loop=0 videocss="position:relative;display:block;background-color:#000;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;margin:0 auto;" playbutton="https://thesmileboutique.com.au/wp-content/plugins/wonderplugin-video-embed/engine/playvideo-64-64-0.png"]

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